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Mosaico - Leonardo Posenato

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



About Us

Leonardo Posenato is an artist!

Leonardo comes from an artistic family, her mother is a musician and his father, Julio Posenato, is a great architect. Leonardo was early influenced to enter in the path of art. With origins in Italy, in the region of Verona, the Posenato family has been cultivating vineyards and producing handcrafted wines for nearly 100 years.

In 1998, Leonardo went to Italy to learn the art of mosaic. By that time he was fascinated with ancient art and devoted all his time to research it in depth.

He studied mosaic in the " Scuola del Friuli Mosaicisti “, near Venice, a renowned Italian mosaic art school and a global reference in the preservation of the ancient techniques of mosaic and its teaching. There, he had direct contact with ancestral techniques like Roman, Greek, Byzantine and medieval mosaic. He also received instruction in modernist and contemporary techniques.

Leonardo is an Architect by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (2010), and he also studied classical architecture in Vicenza, Italy (2013 )

Nowadays Leonardo Posenato is a major producer of artistic and decorative mosaics, providing his differentiated work throughout Brazil and abroad.

Leonardo also produces and designs panels for churches, temples, wineries, corporate centers and private centers. The facade of the Salton Winery and the facade of Medianeira Sanctuary are some examples of his work.

He was professor of mosaic in MARGS - Art Museum of Rio Grande do Sul from 2004 to 2008

He also participated in several art exhibitions including the CowParade in Porto Alegre in 2010, in which the artist coated a Cow with one of the mosaic in the Egyptian style. This piece of art can still be seen in the Public Market of Porto Alegre.

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Mosaico - Leonardo Posenato

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200K - 500K

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Business type

  • Roman Byzantine mosaic
  • mosaic panel
  • contemporary mosaics
  • rosones and mandalas for floor and wall
  • frames and panels
  • tozettos
  • mosaic table tops
  • customized mosaics
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Leonardo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Porto Alegre / RS | Brazil

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