Multiplan has more than three decades of achievements in the Brazilian and in the international market. It is a full service company which prepares feasibility studies, designs, supervises the construction, commercializes, operates and manages its enterprises. Multiplan has been consolidated as one of the main entrepreneurs in the shopping center industry in Brazil – a leader in revenues and the most profitable company in the sector – with remarkable experiences in the real estate segment as well.<br><br> Management: The activity of shopping center management encompasses work in the legal and marketing areas, control and maintenance, with monitoring by the executive planning division, management of the administrative structure, and the establishment of working rules and routines. Multiplan also participates in the financial management of the enterprises, and offers technical support and personnel training.<br><br> Trading: <br>> Store Location: Mixes complete with all segments. To find the ideal conditions and format for the opening of your store. Our goal is to adjust the client’s profile to the shopping center’s marketing strategy, ensuring the storeowner a better possibility of making the right choice, and the consumer a more diversified, comprehensive mix.<br>> Real Estate Units: Security and agility in business. The trading of apartments and business suites is part of the activities developed by the company, whose main characteristic is combining sophistication and functionality with comfort and security. The enterprises of Multiplan combine good taste and quality with technological innovation. Following is a list of our residential and commercial enterprises.<br><br> Merchandising: The shopping center as a potential communication outlet. Your brand seen by thousands of consumers each month. Multiplan Merchandising studies specific solutions for each client, offering assistance and support for the development of your business.<br><br> Real Estate Property: Over a period of three decades, Multiplan has accumulated over 45 enterprises in Brazil, with a total constructed area of over 750 thousand square meters. The company promotes the complete synergy between the residential and business enterprises and its shopping centers. To view the main residential and business enterprises operated by the company, click here.
- Complete Real EstateServices Company
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Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios S/a
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- real estate services
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+55 21********
Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil