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Since 2024



About Us

Founded in 2006, with a commitment to provide quality products and services, competitive prices and continuous and efficient quality provision, aiming for total customer satisfaction, Newchem has qualified professionals and high manufacturing capacity, serving three (3) segments: food, chemical and photochemical. Our equipment and process lines are made of stainless steel, with automated control systems, hermetically designed to eliminate any manual contact, which guarantees the quality and safety of our products. We have an exclusive space for packaging, where our employees have a pre-installation structure, ensuring the asepsis of both the space and the packaging. Following good manufacturing practices. The strict quality control carried out in our laboratory with high-tech equipment allows batch-to-batch reproducibility and precision. In this way, we are able to guarantee the traceability of our processes and products. We also have an internationally trained team to offer personalized technical support to our customers. The evolution of process technologies and chemical ingredients led us to create our engineering departments in research and development to offer the market products with new trends in the segments we operate, creating new products for the company's continued growth. Our company is focused on the complete satisfaction of our customers, with exceptional service and fast delivery, with the product always available. Mission: To provide high quality products and solutions at the best price on the market, exceeding our customers' expectations. Vision: To be a reference for quality and price in the South American market in dyes and chemical ingredients, aiming for innovation and technology results. Values: Quality, ethics, commitment, responsibility, results, customer satisfaction. Differentiators: High production capacity, availability of immediate delivery, specialized service, multidisciplinary team that makes decision-making more efficient and faster, optimal location, international negotiations, own laboratories with high-tech equipment, best sales price on the market. We offer a wide variety of powdered products, such as fruit pulp (açaí, guaraná, beetroot, coconut milk, lemon, strawberry, and others according to customer needs).

Main Markets

  • South America

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Caramel Color
  • Açai Powder
  • Guarana Powder
  • Coconut Milk Powder
  • Lime Powder

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Moises ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Guarulhos / SP | Brazil

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