NINJA GUARANA is a natural product developed from the seeds of the Guarana fruit (Paullinia Cupana). Guarana is a climbing shrub that grows wild in the Amazon regions of Brazil. It is known worldwide as aphrodisiac, and as a high energy source that increases mental alertness, fights fatigue and stress. <br><br>What are the benefits?<br>Ninja Guarana can be used by anybody whenever you need to improve your energy and mood. People with a heart condition and high blood pressure, pregnant women and the elderly need moderate Guarana intake and doctor supervision. <br><br>Who can have it?<br> Activates the central nervous system<br> Increases power of concentration<br> Works as mood elevator<br> Fights fatigue<br> Fights physical e mental stress<br> Prevents aging<br> Helps to fight headaches<br> Aphrodisiac<br> Energetic<br> Diuretic<br> Not addictive<br><br>How much caffeine is there?<br>There is 9mg caffeine for every 3g serving. That amount is enough to increase your energy and mood when you are suffering from fatigue and stress.
- Ninga Powder Guarana
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Ninja Energy Drinks
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Business type
- energetic drinks
- energy drink
- energy drinks
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São Mateus do Sul / PA | Brazil