NINJA POWER is an energetic beverage developed with selected ingredients to improve concentration and endurance, and to diminish the stress effects and fatigue. Its ingredients increase your reaction speed so that you can improve your performance. <br><br>Who can have it?<br>NINJA POWER can be drunk by anybody, any time you need to improve your physical or mental performance. It can be drunk sole or mixed with other beverages. <br><br>When can it be drunk?<br>NINJA POWER can be drunk whenever you want to improve your concentration or energy such as, before physical activities, during studying periods, during or after work, during a party… <br><br>What the benefits of Ninja Power?<br> Increases energy levels<br> Improves concentration<br> Increases physical endurance<br> Fights stress<br> Fights fatigue<br> Improves mental alertness<br><br>How do the ingredients in Ninja Power work?<br>BRAZILIAN GUARANA: Considered a natural stimulant, helps your body fight stress and fatigue. It is a safe product with no side effects. <br><br>CAFFEINE: Caffeine is a mild stimulant to the central nervous system, helps your body fight fatigue, increasing your endurance, your power of concentration and improving your performance. <br><br>TAURINE: It enhances the power of caffeine, having also stimulating properties. It has a body detoxifying effect, helps your body eliminate residues and toxins. It is also responsible for improving the metabolism of amino acids and glucose. Because it works with a neurotransmisor it is essential for the organism after stress effects. <br><br>GLUCURONOLACTONE: It has a detoxifying effect; aids the elimination of toxins during longer physical activities. <br><br>INOSITOL: It helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and helps reduce the “bad” cholesterol (LDL). <br><br>NIACIN: It helps metabolize protein, carbohydrates and fat; maintains the nervous system and improves circulation. It also helps maintain the digestive system. <br><br>PANTHOTENIC ACID: It is known as the “anti-stress vitamin” and it participates in the release of energy from carbohydrates and fats. It helps in antibodies building and in diminishing anxiety. <br><br>VITAMIN B6: It aids in the removal of excess fluid and is particularly important for physical and mental health. It acts in the metabolism of fats and proteins. <br><br>VITAMIN B12: It helps in the formation and regeneration of red blood cells, thus helping prevent anemia; aids cell formation and the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It also increases energy, diminishes nervousness and increases the power of concentration, memory and equilibrium.
- Ninja Power (Energy Drink)
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Ninja Energy Drinks
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- energetic drinks
- energy drink
- energy drinks
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