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Nitec - Nacional Inovações Tecnológicas

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



About Us

Headquartered in the city of Goiânia - Brazil, NITEC works in product development for automation , specializing in smart solutions for hotels , hotels and residences .

We manufacture with high technology equipment , such as touch panels , equipment installed in the apartments alone command command all such devices installed with TV , DVD , SOUND, LIGHTS , AR , RGB and others. We still have the energy managers that generate savings and offer complete control of movements and locations of your motel or hotel .

We count with a team of highly trained professionals committed to the creation and development of products and software that provide comfort and convenience for your guest. And , for your company or Hotel Motel in total control of movements generating efficiency to your business .

Our mission is to be a strong and stable partner organization , providing innovative solutions and high quality products to our customers , promoting comfort , modernity, practicality and economy.

More about
Nitec - Nacional Inovações Tecnológicas

icone de usuario

Not informed

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200K - 500K

Sales volume (USD)

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Not informed




Business type

  • automation motels
  • hotels

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario LEONARDO ********
  • icone de telefone +55 62********
  • map-marker Goiânia / GO | Brazil

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