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Pakmatic Do Brasil Imp. E Exp. Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

After more than 15 years of work focused mainly on technical assistance work on machines Packing Overlap in Brazil and several other countries, members Valdecir Edson Alves, Fernando Alves and Valdeni Zanotti decide not to have been postponed until their dreams and inaugurated in 2001 the only Brazilian company specialized in manufacturing Packing Overlap: Pakmatic

As with any area the beginning was not easy, the difficulty to win the market and convince large companies to acquire equipment as technology and manufactured in our country was great.

Fully structured, with its own headquarters and over 150 machines in the domestic and international, is now preparing for new challenges.

New appliances were launched, as is the case for Packing Wrap-Around, the Pakmatic is the only Brazilian company to manufacture such a machine, beyond this, other releases to come.


Always provides the best solutions for our partners with all the team committed to professionalism, ethics and respect to the market.


Being recognized as the best option on the market for equipment end of line, and an international reference with proven excellence.

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Pakmatic Do Brasil Imp. E Exp. Ltda

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Business type

  • Pakmatic do Brasil Imp. e Exp. Ltda
  • Pakmatic
  • machines Packing Overlap
  • Valdecir Edson Alves
  • Fernando Alves and Valdeni Zanotti
  • Packing Overlap manufacture
  • Packing Wrap-Around
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marilza ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Santa Barbara D / SP | Brazil

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