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Palo Negro

Unverified company Unverified company

About Us

Agrícola Los Esteros is a family company, inspired by the close expe- rience of Cancer and Diabetes, has decided to make known to everyone this efficient and natural alternative to combat and prevent these diseases: Palo Negro.
This unique herb contains a molecule called Leptocarpine, whose functionality is endorsed by a growing number of pre-clinical scientific studies.
Given the development of these studies, backed by the testimonies of those who consume our products and support therir effectiveness, we have decided to expand our Palo Negro plantations, being the bigger worldwide producers of this herb. This allows us not only to offer industrial volumes of Palo Negro , but also to ensure the safety of a unique product in the world.
All our products are made with raw material generated under high-quality standards, processed in our own facilities, under the brand “Agrícola Los Esteros” and in exclusive lines for Lalo Negro process, thus doping the food safety that our customers require to be distributed around the world.
Itis commercialized and exported as Food under the tariff codes: 2106.90.99 and 1211.90.99

Main Markets

  • South America

More about
Palo Negro

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200K - 500K

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • Palo Negro
  • medicinal herbs
  • natural supplements
  • superfood
  • herb
  • natural medicine
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Esteban ********
  • icone de telefone +56 9 ********
  • map-marker La Unión / Los Ríos | Chile

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