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Pé Com Pé Calçados

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



About Us

Pé com Pé is on the market within 27 years, developing products for children 1-10 years old. Our intention is to produce footwear with comfort, quality and safety, keeping alive the charm of being a child.

Founded in 1986, Pé com Pé is one of the largest companies and is a reference in the production of children's shoes, the company produces about 3.5 million pairs per year.

Pé com Pé also has the distribution of its products in various countries. The quality and comfort are the priorities, the shoes are 100% anatomic.

More about
Pé Com Pé Calçados

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Business type

  • shoes
  • footwear

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Rodrigo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 18********
  • map-marker Birigüi / SP | Brazil

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