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Planeta Pedra Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Planeta Pedra was established by Renato Ficher in 2004, specialized in granite, marble slabs and blocks sales, the company has focus on the international market always investing in high quality materials, technology and marketing to attend the market demand and their customers satisfaction.

With a well trained team and an experience and knowledgeable sales executive the company works very close to the customers, understanding the market needs and the latest trends.

The line of materials are the top seller exotics and basics colors from Brazil, with over 30 colors available in stock, the shortest delivery for your fast demand. Planeta Pedra has a research team that offers new releases and other business opportunities on a monthly basis.

All the materials are inspected by our quality control team, man inspection slabs by slab or block by block. Our selection starts on the quarries until the final approval by our sales executive.

The customers has all the information about the containers that were loaded like copy of the documents, loading date, arrival date and others that are supplied by our logistic team.

Planeta Pedra is ready to became your main supplier for Brazilian colors looking for a long time partnership.

More about
Planeta Pedra Ltda.

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Business type

  • Mineral
  • Rock
  • planeta pedra
  • miner
  • minering
  • granite
  • marble slabs
  • blocks
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Cátia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 28********
  • map-marker CACHOEIRO DE ITAPEMIRIM / ES | Brazil

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