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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

At just 25 years, Plasútil became the leading manufacturer of plastic housewares in Brazil. This strong leadership was consolidated thanks to its ongoing product development, supported by a process of making art and a team of employees committed and motivated, yet developed a strong business relationship with its customers in Brazil and abroad, their 800 products are distributed in over 35 countries around the world, thanks to a process of quality assured by ISO 9001-2000, a pioneer in its segment, showing respect to client and consumer.

With innovative products, goes beyond form and function and today has the largest online market with products furnished by the intra-image, where the prints are applied to a final product with high resolution and quality, allowing release of collections each period.

Each year the entries are exhibited in major trade fairs the world in the segment of household appliances, especially in Frankfurt, Germany and Chicago in the United States, and of course, the Gift Fair in Sao Paulo.

On the social side, the Plasútil maintains an early childhood education center, the CEIS, facing assistance to needy children in a community close to the company, as well as some children of employees. Total of 75 children attended full-time, highly competent professionals, receive health care, education and food.

On environmental issues, the Group Evolution takes care of recycling the discards of the company and the project 5S continuous improvement to reduce waste.

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Business type

  • plastic housewares Bath Baby and Child Kitchen License Cleaning Mesa Furniture Organizing Pet Pots plasutil

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Everson ********
  • icone de telefone +55 14********
  • map-marker Bauru / SP | Brazil

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