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Prysmian Energia Cabos E Sistemas Do Brasil S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Prysmian is present commercially in Brazil and Latin America and has over 1,000 employees, who are responsible for producing approximately 60 thousand tons of cables per year.

In Brazil, with 25\% market share, the company has seven manufacturing facilities located in Santo André, Sorocaba (three plants), both in the state of Sao Paulo, Vila Velha and Cariacica located in the state of Espirito Santo and Joinville in the state Santa Catarina.

Its main products are electric wires and cables, accessories and services targeted to the segments of transmission and distribution, construction, general industry, automotive industry, oil extraction, telecommunications, data transmission and optical fibers.

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Prysmian Energia Cabos E Sistemas Do Brasil S.a.

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Business type

  • Prysmian Energia Cabos e Sistemas do Brasil S.A.
  • cables
  • electric wires and cables
  • accessories
  • services to transmission and distribution
  • construction
  • general industry
  • automotive industry
  • oil extraction
  • telecommunications
  • data transmission
  • optical fibers
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Antonio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker BARUERI / SP | Brazil

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