In order to assist best its customers and partners, RAGB provides the International Storage of Products, in which this tool strategically supports the foreign company looking for more quickness and lower costs to go into Brazilian market.<br />
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We have Federal Licenses and Authorizations with ANVISA that enables us to register health and domestic health products and food settling the products with ANVISA – National Agency of Health Surveillance (agency similar to FDA from the United Stated).<br />
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The International Storage of Products service can still indicate and supervise representatives to be importers/distributers and even make direct sales viable.<br />
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According to ANVISA legislation, a foreign company wishing to commercialize their products in Brazilian Market must have a bond with Brazil, which can be through a properly legitimate owned plan site, through a legitimate distributor, or through a legitimate storage person. This strategic method of legalization saves time and money.<br />
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The process of implantation of a site plan in Brazil has an average time of 24 months and 6 months more for the registration of your products, totalizing 30 months to be able to legally commercialize your products. With RAGB storage, the company can legally commercialize their products in only 6 months.<br />
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The great advantages of this new model are:<br />
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1 - FREEDOM OF CHOICE FOR DISTRIBUTORS - The Brazilian legislation allows the logs holder to issue an authorization so that other national distributors regulated with ANVISA can represent your products using the same registration. The manufacturer will be attached to only one distributor.<br />
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2 - WIDE FREEDOM OF COMMERCIALIZATION AND EXPANSION OF BUSINESS – With RAGB as your Storage company, your organization has the possibility of having more than one distributor, being able to act out in the whole extension of our territory with lower costs of logistics. Our consultants offer support during the whole period of Storage contract, providing documents and consultancy necessary to the commercial strategy of your company.<br />
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3 - PRODUCTS COMMERCIALIZATION TIME REDUCTION - Without the need to constitute a site plan in Brazil, the international company goes straight to the product registration step, having saved 24 to 30 months.<br />
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4 - COSTS AND PRICES REDUCTION - Without the need to constitute a site plan in Brazil, your company is free of all costs related to the establishment and maintenance of company, (rent, salaries, telephone, internet, energy, etc.) as well as the high costs with federal License and Authorization with national health agencies.<br />
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5 - SECURITY - Storage gives your company full right and control of your records, not being controlled by importers or distributors and gets you no risks of losing your investments in the Brazilian market due to commercial disagreements.
- International Storage of Products
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Not informed
Not informedPackaging Details:
Not informed
More about
200K - 500K
Sales volume (USD)
Not informed
Business type
- Business Service
- Consultancy
- Advice
- Product Registration
- Audit
- Good Manufacturing Practices
- Good Manufacturing Praticies
- Cosmetics
- Sanitary Products
- Cleaning Products
- Health Products
- Related Equipment
- Materials
- Holder
- Holding Ver Mais
Contact and location
Juliano ********
+55 16********
Ribeirao Preto / SP | Brazil