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Rl0 Industria E Vestuario Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Our company has been in the fashion/apparel industry for more than 20 years. We have two brands in Brazil. One is called Rock Lilly (for young lady) and the other Annfy (for young men). Our products are, young and trendy.

We have 7 stores in São Paulo, and sell wholesale to other regions in Brazil. The stores are located in the best shopping centersa/reas in São Paulo, like Shopping Iguatemi and Jardins.

More about
Rl0 Industria E Vestuario Ltda.

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Business type

  • young apparel clothing

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Claudia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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