We manufacture and market dunpers as follows:<br><br> Dumper » VT 10 SC: High resistance, softness and durability, VT10 SC is built in bent U profile, forming rectangular stringers in the horizontal position in SAC 350 steel (Noble Material).<br><br> Dumper » VT 10 Tandem: High resistance, softness and durability, the 10 Ton VT is built in bent U profile, forming rectangular stringers in the vertical position in SAC 350 steel (Noble Material).<br><br> Dumper » VT 12 Tandem: They have the same characteristics of resistance and durability, and such infield wagons are produced in A-36 plate with bent U profile, forming rectangular stringers in the vertical position.<br><br> Dumper » VT 6 SC: It is a project that aims to reduce weight and provide more durability by means of the use of SAC 350 steel (Noble Material) in components with chassis, elevation guides, lifting board string and articulation bearings.<br><br> Dumper » VT 13 Tridem: It has the same resistance and durability characteristics, and such infield wagons are produced in A-36 plates, with bent U profile, forming rectangular stringers in the vertical position.
- dumpers
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Santal Agricultural Equipment
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- Santal Equipamentos S/A Com. e Indústria
- Santal - Agricultural Mechanization Products & Services
- equipment for the entire cycle of sugarcane
- planting
- harvest
- sugar cane harvesters
- Santal machines
- products and services for agricultural mechanization
- agricultural market Ver Mais
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+55 16********
Ribeirão Preto / SP | Brazil