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Security Supply S.A. - Kamet (R)

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2019



About Us

We are pleased to address you in order to apply to be welcomed in order to present ourselves as a supplier of Kamet ® brand safety footwear, based in the Municipality of Lanús for more than 60 years. Our product lines provide solutions to industrial sectors such as Oil, Mining, Steel, Electrical, Automotive, Agro, Food, Chemistry and Petrochemical, Armed Forces, among the most important. Our shoes not only protect the worker from accidents, their design and construction point to the comfort and protection of the foot in both dynamic and static functions. The materials used for manufacturing are of first quality. Among them leathers and soles, the latter can be bidensity polyurethane, polyurethane-rubber or translucent polyurethane. Our entire production process is carried out with a high degree of ecological awareness, without affecting the environment. With the most stringent guidelines of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system we are able to ensure that our products comply with the most stringent international standards, such as EN-ISO 20.344 and ANSI Z-41, which are IRAM 3610:2015 for Safety Footwear in Argentina. We comply with Resolution 896/99 of the S.I.CyM. We attach a copy of the IRAM License for the use of the IRAM Seal in accordance with IRAM Standard. We attach folletería with some of our products. You can see all our models on the website

Main Markets

  • South America



More about
Security Supply S.A. - Kamet (R)

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200K - 500K

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Kamet (R)

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Dario ********
  • icone de telefone +54 11********
  • map-marker Lanus / PR | Argentina

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