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Sentinela Ind. E Comercio De Aparelhos Eletronicos Ltda-Me

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

Sentinela Industry and Trade of Electronic Devices Ltd., a company founded in 1996, located in Ronda Alta / RS, started developing the assembly work of electrified fence. Due to the credibility acquired through the quality of products and services, its production increased. Today, exporting to the Mercosul countries, Sentinela works with electrifiers rural and residential fence, battery chargers, air cleaner and blocker for automotive electronics.

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Sentinela Ind. E Comercio De Aparelhos Eletronicos Ltda-Me

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Business type

  • BDB electronics electrifiers rural and residential fence
  • battery chargers
  • air cleaner and blocker for automotive electronics. sentinelaeletronicos

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Ediane ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker Ronda Alta / RS | Brazil

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