IoT Data Collector/Data acquisition (DAQ or DAS – Data acquisition Systems). The IoT Data Collector integrates your company's information systems. Innovate and improve processes with BI, based on data and operational context of machines, products, sensors and production line. With the IoT Data collector You can view all of this data in dashboards, in Excel spreadsheets, in database, in the cloud, in the database that the ERP works, so that it is possible to perform various queries, data analysis, for decision making , understand patterns, orient actions based on insights, thus generating intelligence for business processes, as well as having the option to control processes from the computer, from a tablet or mobile phone. Important question: Are your planning and maintenance systems robust enough to make real-time decisions using data from machines, production lines, sensors, and operators? Many companies still face the reality of having to answer "no". The benefits go beyond the operational improvements and maintenance cost prevention, there is an increase in uptime, which provides additional capacity to increase revenue, avoids unplanned downtime, which interrupts schedules Production and that causes loss of delivery dates and customer satisfaction problems. Still in many companies, information on machines, production, operators and sensors is manually typed into devices, spreadsheets or ERP. With the IoT data collector, this job is done automatically. National companies have as a challenge the online availability of data generated in dashboards, spreadsheets, ERP or in dedicated software of the company, for strategic and operational decision making, which without this, limits the potential of transformation Digital business. The IoT Data Collector collects data in the Picking area of the production order, communicates with any CLP on the market, reads several sensors, read barcode, QR code, as it allows the operator to enter several information, to be saved in Database. Communication between the IoT data collector and the database is via network cable or WiFi network. Data Collector Power: Voltage: 24VDC +/-20% Maximum current: 230mA Data Collector operating Temperature:-20 ~ 55°c We perform the complete integration, this data collection of sensors, machines or information typed by the operator, until loading this data automatically in EXCEL spreadsheet, or database, or in the cloud, or in the ERP database, or in software BI, such as QLikView, Power BI, or Tableau. Free Softwares For more competitive applications: -Database: MySQL -BI: QLikView Desktop On-demand sensor engineering; For integration of IoT Data Collector with database or for using BI Software such as QLiKView, Power BI, Tableau or free software such as QLikView Desktop for creating Dashboards, or for automatic insertion of data into Excel spreadsheets , or for integration with ERP or client management Software: -Which database does your company work with or have a preference to work, MySQL or SQL Server? -Which database in the cloud does your company work or have a job preference? -What should be monitored or collected, Picking, production order, rotation, strength, temperature, humidity, torque, energy consumption, voltage, current, PH, RFID, pressure, gas emission, number of drives or other variable? -How many sensors should be monitored? What function does each have? -Does your company have CLP to be monitored? If so, does your company have the password for the CLP program? If so, how many Plcs should be monitored? For each CLP what data should be collected? What is the CLP brand and model? -Will the barcode or QR code be read? -What information should the operator type in order to be saved in the database? For integration of the IoT Data collector with the ERP or with the company management Software, please also inform: -Name of the company's ERP; -Manufacturer of ERP; -Database that ERP works; -Is the database on a physical server or in the cloud? If it's in the cloud, what's the name of the company that makes the cloud service available? The ERP system was created to facilitate management in an integrated way of companies. The IoT Data Collector integrated with the company's ERP allows the collected information to be available in the ERP database, so that this data is integrated into the different layers of the ERP. The integration of the IoT Industrial Data collector with the company's ERP allows companies to use this data, for cost reduction strategies, in condition-based maintenance, to add new or improved product or service lines, increase Company's agility and achieve the benefits of growth and revenue that digital transformation provides. The integration of the IoT Industrial Data collector with ERP goes beyond data sharing, leads the company closer to the concept of industry principles 4.0. The solution is designed to give businesses a broader view of their operations and boost innovations. If the client's ERP can be loaded with data from an EXCEL spreadsheet, the data collector makes the data collected in an EXCEL spreadsheet available, so that the ERP reads the Excel file and automatically loads. For this integration of the IoT Data collector with the ERP, we work together with the vendor of the client's ERP. According to the data that will be collected and that need to be sent to the ERP of the client, we send to the ERP vendor the schema of the tables that must be created in the ERP database, with the name and type of data of each variable; Once the ERP vendor has created the tables and has already made the same available to the ERP, the ERP vendor will then make the database connection data available to Shape, specifically for the tables created in the database, so that the data collector has ENVI And the data collected for the tables created, thus automatically feeding the ERP with the data of the machines, sensors, production, Picking, production order or information typed by the operator. Important! Capture accurate factory floor data without difficulty while operators receive valuable real-time feedback. Capturing data from the factory floor in many companies, consumes precious time with paper forms, which need to be filled by operators to make available static information from yesterday. With the Data collector, operators fill out the forms on Tablets, phones, or PCs so that the data becomes available in real time. Don't waste any more time with manual production bulletins and Excel spreadsheets that require a lot of update time and are subject to error. What exactly is happening right now on the factory floor? What is the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) of the current shift? Are the production goals being achieved or is there a problem that needs to be resolved? No answers? The IoT Data Collector enables real-time monitoring of your operations so that you have full control and resolve the issues immediately. Decisions about operations have to be taken increasingly faster and impact the whole business. The IoT Data Collector gives you and your team the right data and timely insights so you can make even smarter decisions. Reduce waste by increasing capacity with data-based decisions that use the big data of operations. Entering factory floor data manually in ERP is a time-consuming task and can lead to errors and delays in business processes, so it should be eliminated. The IoT Data Collector keeps the ERP up to date with quantity data produced, man/Machine hours, maintenance and so many others. Our customers are tired of those it projects that never end and take a lot of time, money and resources to produce very little result and that's why we shorten the installation time to a few days allowing our customers Start saving money immediately. You know what's happening right now on the other side of the planet, but you can't tell what's happening right now on the factory floor just a few yards away? Don't worry, the IoT data collector will let you monitor operations and notify you of problems so that you can treat them timely. The IoT Data collector powers your team with data so that they can perform analyses that can go from years to a single minute, from many plants to a single device and deliver the answers they need in seconds. The data collector, leaves you in control of your plant.
- IoT Data Collector
- data acquisition
- machines
- Picking data collection
- production order
- data collector for ERP
- Multilogger
- Global machine effectiveness.
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Delivery Timeframe:
Within 60 Days
FOB - Free on Board
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Shape Solutions Ltda.
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Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Business Service
- IoT Data Collector
- data acquisition
- machinery
- production order
- data collector for ERP
- Multilogger
- Global machine effectiveness. King
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