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Solanex Agronegocios

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Since 2008



About Us

Established in 1992, Solanex Agribusiness, is an importer, exporter, producer and certifier of seed potato. Since 2006 we have developed an exporter business of Brazilian products.

We also provide consultant services for foreign companies that intend to develop or invest in agriculture in Brazil (for instance, advising on the best region(s) to properly grow specific crops, providing support for land purchase, etc.)

In 1991, two agronomists from São João da Boa Vista in eastern São Paulo State – Ricardo Texieira and J. Marcos Bernardi – launched Solanex, a consulting firm for all types of vegetable production.

Dr. Teixeira’s position as an able and experienced vegetable grower and, at the time, one of the few agronomists specializing in vegetable crops, helped to establish Solanex as leading provider of technical assistance for the region’s growers. Another agronomist, Alexandre Tanaka, who had worked for Agroflora in Rio Grande do Sul state, joined the firm to help meet the needs of the growing number of vegetable producers.

In response to the economic instability prevalent in Brazil in the early 1990s, the majority of the region’s rural property owners preferred to lease their best lands to sugar mills for cane production rather than continue with traditional crops such as corn and cotton. At that time there were no short cycle varieties available, an important factor given the hyperinflation of the era.

Farmers who did not lease their land for planting sugarcane, because they preferred not to or because their landholdings were too small, were compelled seek out short cycle crops with the highest possible return for the winter growing season.

One option, other than dry beans and potatoes, which required a relatively large investment, was horticultural products, referred to locally as “vegetable garden” crops.

But over the long run, Solanex’s most ambitious work revolved around the importation, certification and sales of seed potatoes.

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Solanex Agronegocios

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Business type

  • agro business consultant seeds

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario J ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker SÃO JOÃO DA BOA VISTA / SP | Brazil

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