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Since 2015



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Production red blood warrants<br />
 <br />
Haemo-Optimizer: Ensures a better oxygen transport. Red blood warrants are produced in red leg marrow presently in flat bones (ribs, basin, udder leg, vertebral joints)<br />
The speed of production of red blood warrants depends on a hormone which  is produced in the kidneys, namely erytropoïetine or EPO.<br />
 The production of EPO in the kidneys is among other things stimulated at oxygen lack on large altitude. (altitude training period)<br />
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For the construction of the red blood warrants, b vitamins are necessary (especially folic acid and Vit.B12) as well as iron (bio-ijzer that is taken well).<br />
Chlorophyll can be useful for the synthesis of hemoglobin: it has correctly the same chemical structure as hemoglobin. The only difference is that chlorophyll Mg has “porfyrine-ring” in and “hemoglobin Fe.”<br />
 <br />
Decision:  Raised EPO concentration in the blood after an altitude training period will not result in a raised production of red blood warrants (Hematocriet) if there is not sufficient iron, folic acid are, Vit.B12, etc.<br />
present.<br />
 <br />
Dosage: 3 Capsules each day, 30 minutes before the meal (do not use with coffee or tea). Do not exceed this amount, unless on doctors recommendation.<br />

  • oxygen transport
  • production red blood warrants

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • supplements
  • sports drinks
  • thirst quencher
  • energy drink

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Rudi ********
  • icone de telefone +32 47********
  • map-marker HOFSTADE / | Belgium

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