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Stark Do Brasil Locação De Maquina De Café

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

The Group Hollding Caymam is five years in the coffee market and are part of the group the following maracas: World Café Coffe Brazil Prada Maria Clara Don Valente Coffee Machinery Leasing Professionals Stark Brazil's rental espresso machines with its own farm in southern Minas Gerais produce 100% arabia coffee, soft drink, and taste and intense aroma. Today innovate the market with coffee + espresso machine, bringing our customers more convenience and safety. We train on site and our facility is no paperwork bringing a product practical and fast for our customers. Machine Super Automatic + 400 doses of coffee beans R $ 200.00 monthly. Machine fits anywhere, practice and easy to use, does not need water point or sewage compartment coupled waterborne and coffee, dirt does not waste coffee, and you always have a fresh coffee, creamy and freshly ground. Have our professional machines they need weighting of waterborne sewage and all accompanying grinder doser machines have 1, 2 or 3 groups out for tea, steam and takes up to 3 coffees at a time depending on the model chosen. trained on site. From AUD $ 350.00

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Stark Do Brasil Locação De Maquina De Café

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Business type

  • coffee
  • espresso
  • coffee machines
  • coffee machines
  • espresso machines
  • lease
  • leases coffee machines
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Juliana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker SÃO Bernardo do Campo / SP | Brazil

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