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Strassburger Advogadas Associadas

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Since 2009



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About Us

Founded in 1990, the lawyers at Strassburger Advogadas Associadas is recognized by their competence, seriousness and transparency, and one of the most active offices in the state of Rio Grande do Sul

From a traditional home and concern with the adoption of higher ethical standards, we seek the satisfaction of our clients, with a commitment to a lasting relationship. Our main goal is the pursui

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Strassburger Advogadas Associadas

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Business type

  • legal services trademark CIVIL LAW Family Law Succession - Inventories and Shares Ownership and Property (Usucapião) Obligations and Contracts Liability - compensation REAL ESTATE LAW Leasing and Condominiums LAW AND REGISTRAL Notarial Lots Dismemberment Rectification of property titles CONSUMER LAW COMMERCIAL LAW REGISTRATION OF MARKS/TRADEMARKS

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Clarice ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Sapiranga / RS | Brazil

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