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Tury Do Brasil-Industria E Comercio Ltda

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Since 2009



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Natural Gas Vehicle Components And Products

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The participation of the company in this segment, started since the regulamentation of INMETRO, that allowed automachine vehicles to be adapted to the carburation with methane gas combustible.<br><br>Products include the following:<br> Commutative: It has as the main function the commutation between the original (gasoline or alcohol) for the Natural Gas Vehicle ("Gnv") on coverted vehicles. Another function is the indication of Gnv level available in the cylinder. We offer 3 models for commutative keys: 1000, T11, T15, all available for sale with manometer for indication of level and with whip options of 2,5 meters or 6 meters. The commutative T1000 é certificated by INMETRO and can be installed on electronic injection vehicles or carbureted.<br><br> Timing Advance Processor: These products were developed to improve the performance and the consumption of vehicles converted to Gnv. The main function is to increase the torque and the power of the engine working on Gnv. We offer 7 models of Timing advance processors: the T30 that works directly in the sensor of the fonic wheel (sensor of rotation and PMS), and the ones working directly in the ignition bobbin: T31, T32, T33, T34, T35, T36, thus, taking care of almost 100\% of the fleet of national and importated automobiles.<br><br> Flux Managers: The gerenciators T2000 and T3000 control the flux of Gnv in the engine, keeping the ideal mixture when the engine is working on Gnv. The main function is to dose the flux of Gnv on engines. It guarantees the best driven to the driver and economy for the gas. The gerenciators can be programmed by PALM (link) ou in the computer, through our Programming Software (link). These products are certificated by the brazilian environment organs CONAMA, IBAMA, CETESB. It also has as assistant functions an Universal Simulator of lambda lead and a reset memory.<br><br> Injectors Emulators: The emulators have as main function, to stop the injection of liquid combustible (gasoline or alcool) in the injectors peaks while the engine is working on gnv. We offer a complete line of emulators, such as Emulators for monopoint engine (T52) and multipoint engine of 4, 5, 6 or 8 cylinder (T53, T54, T55, T56). The emulator T53, is a conjugated of emulator 4 cylinders and a simulator of Universal Lambda lead. We also offer the temporized relay T70, that works with an adjustable delay to the cut of the injectors peaks according to its adjustments.<br><br> Lead Simulators: The simulators have as the main function, to keep the time of the injectors peak, inside the normal parameters of the functioning of the engine while working on gnv, in order to the engine, returns working correctly in the liquid combustible.(gasoline or alcohol). We offer 3models of Simulators: T63,T64 e T65. The simulator T65,is an innovation in the market, that through the functioning system, informs in real time the state of the sensor of lambda sounding lead to the ECU, eliminating the amount or identified mistakes and simultaneously a disfunction in the parameters of electronic injection. We also offer the memory reset T75 that was developed with the purpose of blank the mistakes of the ECU memory, accumulated during a functioning cicle of the engine.<br><br> Accessories Programming: These equipments are directed to the program of variable in the gerenciators of Tury do Brasil. Indispensable for the installers.<br><br> Accessories: Complementary products for certain types of vehicles with dedicated technology needed.<br><br>To access our online catalog to view all of our products and their specifications, click here.

  • Natural Gas Vehicle Components and Products

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Tury Do Brasil-Industria E Comercio Ltda

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  • CNG Compressed Natural Gas NGV Vehicular Vehicle solutions

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  • icone de usuario Silvestro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Bernardo dos Campos / SP | Brazil

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