Exported coffee is divided in three main groups:<br><br>Group I Coffee - Arabica type: Mainly produced in the regions of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Paraná. It has a particular soft-sweet taste. Main markets are: United States, Europe, and Japan. <br><br>Group II Coffee - Arabica type: Mainly harvested in the regions of Zona da Mata (Minas Gerais state), and Espírito Santo. It has a particular iodine-like taste. Main markets are the Middle East countries. <br><br>Conillon or Robusta (Brazilian Conillon): Mainly harvested in the regions of Espírito Santo, Rondônia, and South of Bahia, in most cases at low altitudes (under 400 m). It has a particular neutral taste. Most countries around the world buy this type of coffee due to its neutrality and also its price. Conillon is widely used by soluble coffee industries.<br>
- coffee
- Arabica type
- Minas Gerais
- Conillon
- Robusta
Production Capacity:
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Delivery Timeframe:
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Unicafé Companhia De Com. Exterior
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Business type
- Coffee Export Union
- green coffee
Contact and location
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+55 27********
Vitória / ES | Brazil