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Vera Regina Rusciano

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

Vera Regina Rusciano, autodidact, is an artisan and her talent, good taste and criativity was directed to the cloth dolls confection\s.

She offers "Baianas" (typical doll from Bahia), "Brazilian Baianas", "Baianas Carnavalescas" (Carnival costumes from Rio de Janeiro) and "Orixás do Candomblé" (Gods and Godesses from Candomblé) to the market, valorizing their origin, costums, cultural identity and religious convictions. Candombé: Afro-Brazilian Religion developed of the West African an the catholic culture.

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Vera Regina Rusciano

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Business type

  • BDB art dolls baia baianas costumes brazilian handicraft handmade artwork

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Vera ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ | Brazil

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