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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Vetnil was idealized by the Veterinarian Dr. João Carlos Ribeiro and it began their activities in May of 1994 in the city of Louveira, at the interior of Sao Paulo State. Based on the most recent world researches in the area of nutraceutic medicine and ergogenic medicine for horses, it was initiated the development of a new line of products unknown until then in Brazil. Today Vetnil is leader in the segment, being recommended by the best veterinaries, breeders and trainers of the whole country. Since 1998, Vetnil also has worked in the Pet market, bringing substitute products from the human line, conquered trust of veterinarians and breeders. Vetnil become an excellent option in the daily routine of this professionals, due to the excellent results with the use of their products, being today one of the largest national laboratories.

In 2000, Vetnil products were introduced in the Production Animal Market (cattle, swine, sheep, goat, and birds), and more recently in the breeding of ostriches.

In 2005, The Vetnil company incorporated The Univet laboratory; nowadays, the Vetnil Group totalizes 140 employees, plus 95 products subdivided in 140 items.

Nowadays, Vetnil exports to Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia and Costa Rica, this last distributes products to all Central America.We also export to Portugal and Italy, and our goal is to reach most of the countries in Europe. China is a country of extreme importance in world economy today and is our objective as well. In the Middle East, we sell to the Arab Emirates. As a young company, Vetnil believes in a brilliant future. Vetnil is always in contact with the technological evolution and the new requests of the market, in order to assist our customers the best as possible. We expect to increase our International presence in the market, contributing in this way to develop the Brazilian and the world veterinary market.

Our Mission: Anticipate solutions in animal health and guarantee satisfaction of our customers.

Our Vision: Offer new and indispensable solutions, overcoming expectations of our customers.

Our Values:
  • Determination
  • Companionship
  • Organization
  • Professionalism
  • Dynamism
  • Respect
  • Communication
  • Humbleness

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    Business type

    • medicines prescriptions animals pets dogs canines felines cats horses mules birds

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Ronald ********
    • icone de telefone +55 19********
    • map-marker Louveira / SP | Brazil

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