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Viacao Piracicabana Ltda

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Since 2012



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About Us

Founded as Express Piracicaba in 1937 by Raimundo Gianneti Atilio, the company did travels with eight bus of the Ford brand, the daily commute to Sao Paulo in Piracicaba, a piece traditionally operated by trains. The trips lasted about six hours and were formed into a real adventure on dust clouds, rain and mud. The priority in the comfort it was even one of his trademarks since the beginning of each trip they were distributed dust cover to protect your clothes against the vagaries of time.

The name "Piracicabana" was adopted in 1962, when the company has met a total of 15 times daily, in connection São Paulo - São Pedro.

In the early 80s, Piracicaba expanded its services, starting to make travel between the region and Santos, serving the cities of Santos, Sao Vicente, Praia Grande, Mongaguá and Itanagar, this script also includes the city of New Odessa. In 2001, the company also started to operate in Sao Caetano do Sul, Santo Andre, Sao Bernardo do Campo and Osasco.

Piracicaba maintains the same quality service that improved your style in the life of Piracicaba and the entire region, but incorporating all these an innovative mindset, sidewalk on current concepts of management.

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Viacao Piracicabana Ltda

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Business type

  • travels
  • bus
  • bus travel in Brazil
  • Piracicabana

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Jairo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker PIRACICABA / SP | Brazil

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