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Baterias Pioneiro Industrial Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

In 1989, Pioneiro entered the market of automotive batteries, acting in Treze Tilias and neighboring towns, with a monthly production of 150 batteries. Over the years the changes were occurring, and today the Pioneer produces about 23,000 batteries a month, given the domestic market.

Pioneiro is always accompanying advances in technology sector and, in doing so, invests constantly in search of markets and the development of new technologies and new products.

Quality has always been one of the main guidelines of the process, and in pursuit of constant improvement, the company continues investing in the training of its employees and the purchase of machinery and equipment tests to ensure the quality of their products and services.

It is not enough to have productivity, quality products, and both customers and employees happy if the environment is attacked. Knowing that, the company relies on having facilities/ premises with modern and sophisticated methods of preservation, to ensure a better quality of life.

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Baterias Pioneiro Industrial Ltda.

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Business type

  • automotive batteries

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Alexandre ********
  • icone de telefone +55 49********
  • map-marker Treze Tilias / SC | Brazil

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