Finding quality vendors and reliable factories can be a complex task caused by distance. Bralog Trading has its own methodology for finding suppliers in China and Asia. Our sourcing department participates in several rounds of business and fairs during the year in which they manage to capture exclusive suppliers for different types of products.
OEM-You have the choice of finding factories that can add your brand to the products, customize the packaging and even change technical data and product features. Large brands already have part of their production made in China and other Asian countries.
- Trading
More about
Bralog Trading
200K - 500K
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Business Service
- Importer / Trading Company
- Trading
- Importation
- Exportation
- Logistics
- Logistics Management
- Tax Management
- Tax Planning Ver Mais
Contact and location
Vitor ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil