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Bruck Importação Exportação Comércio Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

On 03.11. \\937 wholesaler in the area of Sao Paulo, was born a small business of imports of beverages and comeVcio austrfaco naturalirado founded by a Brazilian, named Frederick Bruck. Around the year 1950 the company had acquired experience and j5 about becoming quite renowned in the market and importing comeVcio drinks. PonSm, Mr. Bruck 0] h with advancing age and with no one to succeed ^ m-Io, decided to sell his company. 0 control triggers> io was then acquired in 1964 by famflia Turlan.
After some transformations the company was called to Bruck and ComeVcio Import Export Ltda. Currently and "administered by the entrepreneur Osorio Henrique Furlan Jr.
The products marketed by Bruck successfully conquered its space in the Brazilian market. The wines of Corvo and Valdorella brands imported by the company are among the most sold and consumed in the country. The Bruck, continued "always innovating and expanding its line of wines to better serve Brazilian consumers 0. The quality of its

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Bruck Importação Exportação Comércio Ltda.

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  • icone de usuario Osório ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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