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Buddemeyer S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

It was through a weaving factory in Santa Catarina that Buddemeyer began to weave his story. Soon the company was already showing signs of expansion by acting on a new segment: the market for fuzzy textile.

The quality and excellence in the manufacture of new products has led the brand in 70 years, to win the national leadership in the market for towels and extend its product line to bedspreads. It is present in Mercosur, in Europe and the USA.

Today with 56 years, Bud has reaffirmed its leadership in the bed and bath, has a growing relationship with its stakeholders through the quality of its products and constant innovations. Always committed to providing well-being, comfort and sophistication.

When Bud seeks inspiration in the unique global trends in drawings, prints and fine materials, without losing the care and craftsmanship in the finishing details.

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Buddemeyer S.a.

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Business type

  • Buddemeyer S.A.
  • fuzzy textile
  • weaving factory
  • towels
  • bedspreads

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Evandro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker SÃO BENTO DO SUL / SC | Brazil

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