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Ceccarelli Hortifruti

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Consolidated in the market for over 26 years, Ceccarelli Hortifruti is one of the most respected horticultural companies in Brazil, offering the best in fruits, vegetables and related. All of this is due principally to continuous investments in technology and qualified labor.

Located in one of the largest distribution centers in Latin America, the CEAGESP – in the downtown area of São Paulo and close to major ports in Brazil -, the company seeks to meet the needs of its customers with basic premises as the quality of its products, respect and transparency in relationships. Those have been the principles that, over the years, have given the main differential to the company in a competitive market: the credibility.

During the distribution process, including handling, storage and logistics of products, the customers satisfaction is guaranteed. Our installations have the very latest in fresh produce market. Equipment and systems that follows the strictest standards of hygiene and quality.

Fresh and well-selected products, strict quality control and a trained and specialized staff, from service to delivery. This is the reality of Hortifruti Ceccarelli.

Our values are based on ethics, transparency, respect and overall, commitment to each client.
If you are looking for a produce company that offers quality products and has the credibility and experience in the market, contact Ceccarelli. We have the right solution for your needs.

Our Products
To Ceccarelli Hortifruti, working with well-selected products is an essential component of your requirements. Therefore, its partners are rigorously selected, meeting the highest standards applied by corporations that audit certifications.

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Ceccarelli Hortifruti

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Business type

  • DBD Ceccarelli Hortifruti
  • horticultural
  • fruits
  • vegetables and related
  • distribution centers
  • fresh produce market.
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Guimarães ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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