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Ceral Pisos E Revestimentos Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Based in Cordeirópolis-SP, Ceral Floors produces flooring and ceramic tiles with raw material withdrawn from the region that has one of the most noble lands of the country.

Using the equipment and technology, added to the labor-specialized handcraft, the resulting products have an exquisite level of quality.

  • Bring wellness and beauty to the homes through our products.
  • For this, account with a network of representatives that attends to the country.
  • Such quality is not restricted only to Brazil, such that Ceral Floors each year expands its exports to countries from all continents.

    Social Responsibility:
  • All this success happens in a sustainable manner, never forgetting that nature provides the raw material, so she has to be preserved. Ceral meets all the standards and increasingly invests in technology to avoid inadvertent damage to the environment.
  • The company also worries about the city of Cordeirópolis and its population, for both embraces several social projects run by agencies and even on its own initiative.

    Ceral Floors is a company with history, but always with our eyes to the future.

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    Ceral Pisos E Revestimentos Ltda

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    Business type

    • floors ceramic

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Adriane ********
    • icone de telefone +55 19********
    • map-marker Cordeirópolis / AC | Brazil

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