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Companhia Cacique De Cafe Soluvel

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

Cia. Cacique de Café Solúvel was founded by Mr. Horacio Coimbra in 1959. It was the happy product of two elements: raw materials and business foresight. The north of the State of Paraná in Brazil, with Londrina at its center, was the site of the largest concentration of coffee lands in the world. There, drawn by the coffee industry, the entrepreneurial spirit of neighboring São Paulo took root and flourished, endowing northern Paraná with manufacturing experience. From this fertile union was born the idea of exporting industrialized coffee in its most concentrated form - synthetic or instant. Mr. Coimbra was able to draw together and encourage like-minded people to make this idea a reality. Although making the reality come true did not take much time, it did take a heavy toll on Mr. Coimbra and all who contributed to the undertaking of creating the world’s largest instant coffee exporter.

Cacique in Brazil: From the date of its founding, Cacique has consistently invested in the professional development of its employees and in the modernization of its plant and equipment - ensuring that Cacique de Café Solúvel maintain a leadership position in the international market.
Cacique\\s numbers are substantial. They begin with the world’s largest Instant Coffee plant housed under one roof. Today it produces various types of coffee with characteristics that are tailored to consumer needs.

Exporting Quality: Cacique is the largest exporter of Instant Coffee in the world. Total revenues from the moment it began operations until today are more than $2 billion. This includes exports to over 74 countries. People from a broad range of cultures enjoy Instant Coffee from Cacique. This is made possible thanks to unceasing research into the taste nuances of each market combined with constant striving to serve those tastes. Such versatility of operations allows Cacique to reach people on all five continents and maintain a high international standard of quality.
Cacique\\s emphasis on quality does not make it shy away from boldness. Cacique was a pioneer in the Russian market and, today, it is the largest exporter of Instant Coffee to Russia. One of the other hurdles that Cacique overcame was Japan. Now, annual shipments of frozen coffee to Japan amount to 1,000 tons.

Certifications: HACCP ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011: 2000

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe

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Companhia Cacique De Cafe Soluvel

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • cafe coffee instant pele péle café

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Haroldo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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