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Dinatec Indústria E Comércio Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

In the year 2009, the Dinatec commemorate 12 years of leadership in the independent production of medical gases. Being a market leader is an achievement built every day with hard work, sense of innovation, focus on customer and incessant search for improvements in processes and products. Putting into practice this recipe for leadership, Dinatec reached the maximum level of excellence in the construction of equipment for production of gas in place. Among the main differences of the company are: high quality, technology and durability of the product.

Furthermore, Dinatec is the only company to provide quality care throughout the national territory.

Consolidation of leadership in the manufacture, installation and maintenance of oxygen plants, also occurs through the achievement of the international market. Already there are hospitals in South Africa, India, Angola, Mexico, Uruguay and Spain using the technology and adopting the Dinatec.


  • Meet the technical and financial needs of its clients, designing, manufacturing and supplying gas production systems for various applications.

  • Contribute to economic development, social and sustainable, creating jobs and promoting the human development of its employees.

  • Promote strategic partnerships for technology development.

  • Search administrative efficiency and financial efficiency in order to meet the expectations of shareholders in return for their investment.

    Management Certification: ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011: 2000

    Contract Manufacturing:
  • OEM Service Offered
  • Design Service Offered
  • Buyer Label Offered

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    Dinatec Indústria E Comércio Ltda

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    Business type

    • gas

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario David ********
    • icone de telefone +55 41********
    • map-marker Curitiba / PA | Brazil

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