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Do Pasto

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2024



About Us

Do Pasto is a company focused on food supplements that aim to improve the intestinal tract. Bovine Collagen Do Pasto is of extreme quality, as it aims at the meticulous extraction of the numerous amino acids present in the product. Glycine, for example, is an amino acid that contributes to the strengthening of the intestinal mucosa, and in each serving there is 5 g of glycine. In addition to the amino acid glycine, there are 10 other amino acids present in the product. There is also the amount of protein per serving, 18 grams, which is much higher than any whey protein. The protein found in collagen is pure, without lactose or any additional inflammatory. Today, Do Pasto bovine collagen is the best on the market because it contains more than 10 amino acids and the amount of protein extracted from the supplement. It is a collagen that in addition to bringing benefits to the skin, immunity, and muscle mass gain, it mainly aims at the health of the intestinal tract, bovine collagen strengthens the intestinal mucus after its ingestion.

Main Markets

  • Asia
  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe

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Do Pasto

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Business type
  • Business Service
  • Retailer
  • Other

  • Bovine Hydrolyzed Collagen
  • Intestinal Mucus
  • 18 grams protein
  • 5 grams glycine

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Carla ********
  • icone de telefone +55 16********
  • map-marker São Carlos / SP | Brazil

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