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Ecoçúcar Indústria De Açúcar Orgãnico Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Indiana ® is a registered trademark of the products manufactured by Ecoçúcar Organic Sugar Ind. Ltda .. Indiana ® has the word \Indian\ or \Indian\, the name given to the native inhabitants of America, those who really conserve nature by seeing it their only source of life and survival. This is the philosophy that we, the Ecoçúcar, we follow.

Ecoçúcar is a young, dynamic, but also conscious. We seek excellence in all our activities and therefore are suitable for organic production standards. Thus, in addition to ensuring quality in our products and our relationships with customers, we have quality in our interactions with nature, protecting and preserving the environment.

Our mission: to offer consumers a healthy food, alternative source of energy, rich in vitamins and minerals, whose production does not bring negative impacts to either the society or the ecosystem.

The Company: We are pleased to introduce our company: the Ecoçúcar, a new company with a new concept in a new market. Our main product is the brown sugar obtained without the use of any chemicals.

We currently apply the label of organic producers, given by the IBD (Instituto biodynamic), an accredited certification of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements). This seal ensures acceptance of organic products in the European market and others. We are in the process of organic certification for the U.S. market (NOP certification) and Japanese (JAS certification).

A new company: Ecoçúcar is different from any other producer of brown sugar. Well, actually, this type of sugar, historically, is produced by small factories, sometimes even homes, connecting its output to thereby increase bargaining power with buyers. To be produced in a rustic and handmade manner, and by different units of production there is no guarantee of uniformity in the final batch of the product.

Already at Ecoçúcar we designed a means to produce brown sugar on an industrial scale, ensuring their quality and uniformity. Our production capacity is 100ton per month (during harvest), which certainly could meet the market of natural products.

A new concept: The name Organic Agriculture began in the 80s and called those products that were obtained without the use of chemicals or processes harmful to living beings or nature. This concept has evolved and now includes social development of the whole community involved.

A new market: Currently, consumers of natural products not only want products that can protect their health, but also want to protect the health of the environment. Ecoçúcar fulfills the desire of this new market with its innovative philosophy we chose to make our practice.

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Ecoçúcar Indústria De Açúcar Orgãnico Ltda

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  • sugar brown organic

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Bruna ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Engenheiro Beltrao / PA | Brazil

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