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Since 2012



About Us

Founded in 1988 with the aim of exploring and industrialize ornamental, the GRANOS - Granitos S/A is one of the pioneers in extraction and marketing of granite from Ceara state.

The GRANOS - Granite S / A has the capacity to perform large-scale projects, offering the sale of blocks, slabs, tiles and work with polished, flamed and levigado. The Service of the foreign market is facilitated by virtue of its strategic location, close to two ports, and Pecém Mucuripe. The GRANOS unites the advantage of being supplied by quarries and have high-tech machinery to meet the needs of its customers.

The processing industry of granite Granos is located 20km from the center of Fortaleza and 40km from the port of Pecem, which is being exported by the majority of containers leaving the Ceará. The Granos has 10 looms installed and operating with a production capacity of 25.000m2 plates per month, kiln drying and resin industry well-equipped products using internationally and three rows of automated polishing to finish the production process.

All material export is stored in covered shed on wooden trestles, and classification of materials separated to facilitate viewing and handling of bundles and customer shipping industry. Uniting all that and a staff awareness of their role, the blemishes can achieve its main objectives are quality finishing of its products and commitment to customer satisfaction.

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Business type

  • granite
  • slabs
  • stone
  • marble
  • granitos
  • granitos s/a
  • granos
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Igor ********
  • icone de telefone +55 85********
  • map-marker CAUCAIA / CE | Brazil

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