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Grupo Sautlink / Maison Charlô

Verified company Verified company

Since 2023



About Us

We’re Maison Charlô, a Brazilian brand from the Sautlink Group. 6 years ago in the digital retail market in the Table Set Market. We were one of the first online stores in our country and integrating what was beginning to emerge at the time, the marketplace hubs, we took advantage of the favorable atmosphere and expanded our sales channels to more than 15 marketplaces in 4 years. And we conquered a presence throughout the national territory. Our company is led by the sisters Karen and Karol, our structure is practically formed by women from many faces of modern life, sometimes professionals, sometimes mothers, sometimes grandparents, sometimes students, sometimes daughters, sometimes with feminine souls. Well, all this stops to make our essence of being a brand sensitive to new ways of seeing the world in a responsible, sustainable and prosperous way, even in the face of all the adversities and changes that the world presents itself. Since then, our company has gone through some strategic transitions in brand and product positioning, including, with regard to product placement at the POS, we believe that phygital is a reality for retail. In 2022, we decided to take our biggest step so far and started a cross-border operation on Amazon, that is, selling products outside the country and several new challenges were faced, such as the development of new products, product adaptation, labels of products, tutorials, technical specifications for compliances, marketing strategy, and many other important variables for safe and transparent export for all involved. In the same year we opened an office and a company LLC in Florida and also, we applied for registration of the brand at the USPTO – United States Patent and Trademark Office, which allows us to use the ™ in the logo, we have in our catalog +300 Skus assets, more than 1000 products sold in more than 45 American States and 3 continents of the Globe. The product categories in which we operate are tabledecor and tableware. Tabledecor is exclusively destined to napkin rings, it represents 70% of our revenue and volume in the foreign market. It stands out in the US, Canadian, European, Arab and Asian markets. Napkin rings are handcrafted, providing social impact especially for women. Another point to highlight of this product line is its material, mostly made of fabric, which has a low impact on the environment. And the tableware is made of fabric or natural fibers, exclusively made up of placemats, covers for round placemats (inner wood), sousplats and napkins, representing 30% of our sales in the foreign market. We’re ready to replicate in the 4 corners of the world, and continue with our essence of what TABLE SET is for our customers, which is the power to unite people, share moments and create affective memories for a lifetime

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe

More about
Grupo Sautlink / Maison Charlô

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100K - 200K

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Retailer

  • table settting
  • dining table
  • mesa posta
  • placemat
  • napkin ring
  • cloth napkin
  • kitchen accessories
  • tableware
  • tabledecor
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Karen ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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