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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2022



About Us

Founded in 1995, in the city of Pinhalzinho, west of Santa Catarina, having as initial activity the hurricane of burners and the manufacture of trempes and grills for stoves, Hansen Aramados originated due to the surname of the owner family and the segment of operation. Installed in a small basement of beaten floor, the company had little machinery and two employees. A new challenge arises then: the opportunity to manufacture accessories for the furniture industry. The years went by and the good acceptance of the products in the market made the need for investment become increasingly frequent. The market in the furniture line proved attractive and new products emerged, which made the company reach new horizons. That's when the company built along the banks of Br 282, a shed of 825 m2, and that today already has 2,500 m2 of built area. Aiming increasingly at growth, the company included new products in its line, also starting to produce ovens and wood stoves. With this the fancy name of the company becomes Hansen Ovens and Aramados. Mission "Create accessories for furniture line and manufacture of ovens and wood stoves allied to market trends". Vision "Align our efforts to establish a long-term vision and pursue goals that continue to ensure the success of our business in the future." Values "They are the ethical foundations of our company, what we are and believe in." The company's work philosophy compromises with customers, creativity in the development of new products and good service as benchmarks of value. Teamwork, quality, productivity and punctuality are standards of conduct. It is also part of the company's conduct, innovation, product quality and customer service.

Main Markets

  • South America

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales

Not informed



Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • stove
  • firewood
  • ovens
  • vitro

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Elevelto ********
  • icone de telefone +55 49********
  • map-marker Pinhalzinho / SC | Brazil

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