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Ind. De Mármores E Granitos Pedra Do Frade

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Pedra do Frade started working about 10 years ago with the construction of their company at Rio Novo do Sul, South of Espírito Santo, with the extraction of ornamental stones, initiating their activities following the International market requirements.

With a huge experience in Granite trade, they always make sure their clients are satisfied guaranteeing quality and efficacy. They do their best to provide quality products in this competitive market.

Thats their objective, to have specializad team of employees, modify the material and invest in technology. Visit their homepage, know their products or make them a personal visit. They will be proud and happy to receive you. Find out why they make the difference.

More about
Ind. De Mármores E Granitos Pedra Do Frade

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Business type

  • Ind. de Mármores e Granitos Pedra do Frade Ltda.
  • extraction ornamental stones
  • granite trade

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Gustavo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 28********
  • map-marker RIO NOVO DO SUL / ES | Brazil

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