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Itacitrus Com. De Frutas Ltda.

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Since 2012



About Us

Founded in 1988 by Mr. Vincent Alvair Promicia, Itacitrus is a family business that is located in Itajobi - 400 miles northeast of Sao Paulo, the largest producing region in Brazil, Tahiti lime (about 80\% of national production). The production files in Itajobi is comprised of a large number of small producers, most of them have between 3-8 hectares of files per property.

In 2002, in order to increase the production volume of Acidic Tahitian Limes and have more availability of fruit in the off-season period, was made an investment in buying a farm in northeastern Brazil (2,400 ha) in the city of Inhambupe - Bahia, about 150 km from the port of Salvador.

Seeing a promising market for other fruits, in 2006 started exports in Itacitrus Air Formosa Pawpaw (own production) and Manga Palmer (producers of the region Itajobi). Maintaining the same quality offered on Tahiti lime, the company exports health and wellness for its customers, increasing its range of exported products and diversifying your market.

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Itacitrus Com. De Frutas Ltda.

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Business type

  • Itacitrus
  • Acidic Tahitian Limes
  • fruits

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Connie ********
  • icone de telefone +55 17********
  • map-marker ITAJOBI / SP | Brazil

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