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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2021



About Us

Lasi acts as a partner of FUNDO LA VICTORIA. Peruvian company, producer, processor and distributor of olive products and their derivatives, and established for more than 50 years in the Peruvian and international market. Our farm is located in the southern region of Peru, in the city of Bella Unión, Arequipa. Due to our excellent quality, we are exclusive suppliers of the restaurants of peruvian chef Gastón Acurio, recognized as the world leader of international gastronomy. Our company specializes in the production of black/green olives with various presentations, such as whole olives, pitted olives, sliced olives, olives stuffed with chestnut, "rocoto" (Peruvian pepper) and others on request. We also produce extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil, among others. Our production and processing are governed by strict international quality controls, care for the environment (we do not use pesticides) and a natural fermentation that results in a delicious fruit that distinguishes our products from the rest. All our products are marketed following international requirements and placed in appropriate packaging for export. Our products serve several international markets, such as restaurants, hotels and supermarkets.

Main Markets

  • South America

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • Olives
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Peruvian

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luis ********
  • icone de telefone +55 31********
  • map-marker Belo Horizonte / MG | Brazil

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