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Lassane Plasticos

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

For 30 years acting in the Brazilian and foreign markets in the binding activity, LASSANE PLÁSTICOS LTDA comes out through the tradition of always being ahead with new and sophisticated releases in binding, laminators and cutters, including folders, notebooks, books, agendas and all products related to the area. The company values the quality and actuality of its products and also the client services that deposit their trust in the excellence of our products and services.

The initiative of producing machines, folders and plastic spiral coil made LASSANE one of the first in the national formation of costumes in what refers to binding materials.

The idea of working with this kind of material came within the 60’s decade when the founder of the company was employed in the United States and received an instruction manual with plastic comb binding. Interested by the material so far never seen in Brazil, he used his time off to research about the product. With packed bags to travel with his family to the United States, he decided to invest in the potential of an inexistent market in Brazil.

The industry had its beginning in Santo André and ended up being transferred to Três Pontas – Minas Gerais, hometown of it’s founder. Located in Três Pontas, in the south of Minas Gerais state in a constructed area of approximately 8000 square meters, and with an office in São Paulo, LASSANE PLASTICOS began its activities in February 15TH of 1974.

It has been three decades of hard work and dedication in which the company is consolidating it self each time more and coming out in this product segment. LASSANE came to show during these 30 years of existence that among mountains and plantations it came to the region and created deep roots, diversifying the economy and creating employment opportunities, helping the growing of Três Pontas and yet not abdicating of it’s social responsibilities.

LASSANE has always been concerned about quality, environment, health and security of its employees. Nowadays with almost 220 employees, LASSANE invests continuing in training.

Keeping a brand as leader of the market on our field is one of the greatest accomplishments of LASSANE PLASTICOS in these years of existence. The company has had solid results, gaining acknowledgment and respect not only in national territory, but also outside of Brazil. Since 1992 the company exports to South America and has already began exporting to the United States and other countries of Europe, being appropriately prepared to attend even more the national and international market.

From the year of 2000, the new administration revitalized the company implanting the total quality program, creating more employment opportunities, rationalizing costs, widening and renewing the technology, marketing and human resources area, objectifying to amplify ours sales in 50\%, especially in exportation, through the opening of new markets. For this year there will be made investments in innovative projects and increase in the products line.

LASSANE PLASTICOS reaches 2004 as the biggest South America company in the manufacturing of binding machines and supplies.


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Lassane Plasticos

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Business type

  • office products binding

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Melissa ********
  • icone de telefone +55 35********
  • map-marker Tres Pontas / MG | Brazil

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