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Margramar Granitos

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Welcome to MARGRAMAR’s World!

25 Years – this long life history has been built in Atílio Vivácqua, south of Espírito Santo – Brazil.

With a lot of research, they decided to industrialize the most noble and rare Brazilian Ornamental Stones. Through their own Quarries, they can provide their materials continuously as they have total control of it.

Equipped with the highest technology, they are able to offer the best market quality from the extraction until the final details. Differentiated services and flexibility stand out in their Group.

The latest Machines, own Logistics system, qualified and satisfied staff generates the highest technology and a competitive price that stand out at an international level, which makes the Group Margramar increase one more degree. Their main goal and focus is just to exceed your expectations.

With such commitment and dedication to you, their materials are on the most daring and elegant buildings around the world.

Come on! They are looking forward to your visit!

Group Margramar: Imagine. They make it possible!

More about
Margramar Granitos

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Business type

  • margramar
  • granites
  • stones
  • own quarries

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Vinicius ********
  • icone de telefone +55 28********
  • map-marker Atílio Vivacqua / ES | Brazil

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