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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



About Us

Founded in 2011 in Londrina (PR), Brazil, our company brought to the market a line of products with special characteristics that immediately conquered the consumer: high quality ingredients, differentiated formulation, beautiful and modern packaging and a fair price. We worked for 5 years in a regional way, so that if there was a need for any correction or improvement of the products, or even of our business model, we would do before replicating our activities to the national and international market. Now we live in a new moment. New investors (with extensive experience in agribusiness and international trade) have teamed up with us to take our company to the next level. We are increasing our production capacity, launching new product lines and expanding our network of business partners. Then we will also have the lines of snacks and moist foods. With all these improvements, we are ready to increase our participation in the Brazilian market and show our competence and competitiveness to the international market.

Main Markets

  • Asia
  • South America

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • dog and cat food
  • super premium gmo-free feed
  • excellent cost/benefit

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Evaldo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 43********
  • map-marker Rolândia / PR | Brazil

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