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Petrobrás Distribuidora S.a

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Petrobras Distribuidora was established on November 12, 1971, a subsidiary of Petroleo Brasileiro SA - Petrobras, which started operating in the marketing and distribution of petroleum products throughout Brazil.

Due to the enormous development of Petrobras Distribuidora as a company, in 1974, the third year, the Company took over as the largest distributor of oil country, exercising his function in a strictly competitive - on equal terms with other distributors and overcoming domestic and foreign competitors.

Subordinate to the Ministry of Mines and Energy and ranking among the entities of indirect administration of the Federal Government, Petrobras Distribuidora aims, and distribution, trade and industrialization of oil and oil products, import and export activities.

The position of industry leadership continues today and can be confirmed by the considerable structure built by Petrobras Distribuidora. Today there are about 7,000 service stations, and is the largest single station network present throughout the national territory. In addition to more than 10,000 large customers across industries, power plants, aviation companies and fleet of cars and heavy vehicles.

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Petrobrás Distribuidora S.a

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Business type

  • lubricatiing
  • oil
  • aviation
  • engine
  • petrobras
  • gas
  • diesel
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Carlos Mauricio Moraes
  • icone de telefone +55 21 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker CAMPO GRANDE / MA | Brazil

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