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Since 2014



About Us

About us:

Result, efficiency and transparency are the principles of RAGB, company that was established to attend to specific needs of each customer, taking care and assisting within the bureaucracy created by the global governments. RAGB - Regulatory Affairs / Global Business was born to be a company committed to make businesspersons’ lives easier and to translate Brazilian bureaucracy into a simpler and hassle-free language. RAGB is specialized in regulatory intelligence for licenses, authorizations, products registration and business development, leading the ranking of most competent companies in Brazil in carrying out projects of national and international companies’ establishment, licenses, authorizations and products registration, obtaining a successful portfolio.

Our employees form a highly qualified multidisciplinary team with the capacity of attending and executing services in record time, and they are specialists in reducing the requirements of regulatory agencies and multiplying the chances of success regarding licenses, authorizations, and registrations.

The company policy is to be committed to the result, without losing quality in customer’s service during the execution of the work, and to always zeal for a good relationship. We care dearly so that the doors opened never are closed, we are connected to the opportunities of bringing constant improvements to our customers.


Authorization and Licenses
The Brazilian System of Public Health Surveillance is formed by ANVISA – National Agency of Health Surveillance – and by Local Health Surveillances (State and Municipal). Through consultancy services to obtaining of authorizations and licenses, RAGB is eligible to provide in both steps of the legalization process. We are also qualified and prepared to provide all consultancy to obtaining licenses with other agencies, such as the Fire Brigade and Cetesb. Included with these services are bureaucratic documentations step, in addition of diagnosis, technical inspection reports, researches, inspections, trainings, audits and evaluations.

Products registration:
In order to assist your company on products registration with ANVISA (National Agency of Health Surveillance), RAGB provides qualified and experienced professionals who will take care of the whole bureaucratic part of the processes. This service involves updated specialists according to the constant changes of legislation and internal processes of ANVISA, and will guide your company since its required documents compilation until the publication on the Official Gazette of the Union. RAGB still counts on the service of processes renovation of registrations.

ANVISA International Audits
RAGB offers the Regulatory Service of ANVISA International Audits Follow-Up that has the objective of simplifying and expediting the process of preparation of your company to receive the inspections of ANVISA auditors outside of Brazil. We have a team that is eligible not only the settle the communication between your company and ANVISA but also to assist you with meeting the requirements and corrective actions of non-compliances found in previous audits, as well as following-up the inspection agency auditors, assisting your company with certifications you might need.

International Storage of Products:
In order to assist best its customers and partners, RAGB provides the International Storage of Products, in which this tool strategically supports the foreign company looking for more quickness and lower costs to go into Brazilian market. We have Federal Licenses and Authorizations with ANVISA that enables us to register health and domestic health products and food settling the products with ANVISA – National Agency of Health Surveillance (agency similar to FDA from the United Stated). The International Storage of Products service can still indicate and supervise representatives to be importers/distributers and even make direct sales viable. According to ANVISA legislation, a foreign company wishing to commercialize their products in Brazilian Market must have a bond with Brazil, which can be through a properly legitimate owned plan site, through a legitimate distributor, or through a legitimate storage person. This strategic method of legalization saves time and money. The process of implantation of a site plan in Brazil has an average time of 24 months and 6 months more for the registration of your products, totalizing 30 months to be able to legally commercialize your products. With RAGB storage, the company can legally commercialize their products in only 6 months.

M.A.P.A. (Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Supply)
The MAPA executes a health inspection of products derived from animals (milk, honey, meat, fishes, birds and its derivations) and from vegetables and beverages (fizzy drinks, juices, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), as well as wines, vinegars and products destined to agriculture and cattle breeding usage (fertilizers, inoculants, correctives and agrochemicals) and veterinarian usage products for animal embellishment, etc.). RAGB provides professionals specialized to supply you with all assistance needed in the process of companies’ legalization by simplifying the bureaucracies for the regularization of production, storage, distribution, importation and exportation of products required by MAPA. The services include: institution registration, products registration, implantation of Manufacturing Good Practices, pre-audits and evaluations.

Main Markets

  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • North America
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe

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200K - 500K

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • Consultancy
  • Advice
  • Product Registration
  • Audit
  • GMP
  • GMP
  • Good Manufacturing Practices
  • Good Manufacturing Praticies
  • Cosmetics
  • Sanitary Products
  • Cleaning Products
  • Health Products
  • Related Equipment
  • Materials
  • Holder
  • Holding
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Juliano ********
  • icone de telefone +55 16********
  • map-marker Ribeirao Preto / SP | Brazil

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