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Singer Do Brasil Ind. E Com. Ltda.

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Since 2012



About Us

The history of the Singer of Brazil is intertwined with the history of the country. It all began in 1858 when it was opened in Rio de Janeiro, in the street Ombudsman No. 117, the first point of sales of sewing machines in Brazil.

Thirty years later, by Decree 9996, Princess Elizabeth SINGER granted authorization to operate in Brazil. The central office would remain in Rio de Janeiro and opened new branches: Niterói, Campos, Sao Paulo, Salvador, Recife and Pellets. At the time, Singer introduced the system in Brazil from credit sales, with weekly payments of one thousand reis.

On August 22, 1905, the SINGER won the final registration to operate in the country. The organization has expanded and in 1913 reached a record 3 million sewing machines sold worldwide. The sellers did not measure efforts to introduce products and branches multiplied, generating the decision of installing a factory sewing machines. Singer acquired in mid-1950, the traditional Palm Farm, 300 acres of land and located in the neighborhood of Viracopos Campinas.

In 1951, while the World SINGER celebrating 100 years of existence, we initiated the construction of what would be the first sewing machine factory in Latin America. The construction was quick and the May 14, 1955, was inaugurated by the then President of Brazil, Café Filho, and the governor of Sao Paulo Quadros, the Company Palmeiras Industrial Machinery and Furniture.

At the time of opening, SINGER employed 548 people. The growth was so rapid that in 1958 the factory made its first export of 200 machines to Chile. Sales increased and pull production. New products were developed and launched in the Brazilian market and the factory was getting short ... This situation resulted in an expansion plan and the creation of two other units: the factory needles in 1968, the city of Indaiatuba, Singer and the Northeast, located in Juazeiro / CE, inaugurated in 1997.

The Singer of Brazil, adapted to modern techniques of organization and advanced operational methods, imposed its tradition of "Quality", positioning itself competitively in the global market.

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Singer Do Brasil Ind. E Com. Ltda.

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Business type

  • market
  • commercial
  • technology
  • industry
  • branches
  • system
  • machinery
  • furniture
  • sewing
  • sewing machine
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Mauro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker INDAIATUBA / SP | Brazil

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