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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2015



About Us

We, the team of "SPORTS2" have for years engaged in this industry (ex TRISPORT) and know the market and from our experience also the needs of the athletes, whether professional or amateur alike, cyclist or runner. And although we know that this industry has not been the easiest, we have decided to dare something new, something, some of which we hope that it distinguishes itself from everything that was.  Sports2 distributes supplements and sports drinks on the market that have been developed on a scientific basis.

Past, present, future

In the beginning was the idea for us to develop a product that meets the highest quality and was based on the latest recognize niches of sports nutrition science. Of course no one can reinvent the wheel, but we have made it our goal to develop a truly premium product. And we also understand us as "premium brand", who is the quality in the foreground and nothing else.

Now it's finally happened! SPORTS2 is ready for the market and we are ready to go! Even if it is not always easy, we had occasional minor setbacks encountered there after a long development time, create a product, which hopefully, you like so much like us. Equal or a thirst quencher, or looking for energy drink, has been with us for everyone to find something and next to our high quality, taste, consistency are very important to us. From experience you know like us, there's nothing worse than a healthy product, but what is distasteful.

Our vision is together with you to form a strong team. Example, you can actively participate in future new products, the development of new products or flavors. Your opinion is important to us.

We are ready to go and we hope you are too !!! It's time for something new!

All products Sports2 been developed using the latest scientific data and produced according to the strictest current standards. All products were, before coming on the market, tested by athletes in training and competition. Sports2 strives to athletes through the proper use of innovative supplements, doping free, to perform at a higher level. The products are free from artificial colors and sweeteners.

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • supplements
  • sports drinks
  • thirst quencher
  • energy drink

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Rudi ********
  • icone de telefone +32 47********
  • map-marker HOFSTADE / | Belgium

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